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IGARSS paper 2024



Case studies

Coastal plain and lagoons near the cities of Venice and Aquileia(Italy)

The area includes the suburban and rural territories of the Roman cities of Aquileia and Altinum, which developed since the 2nd century BC. The vast alluvial and coastal plain is intensely cultivated and it is characterised by numerous traces of palaeochannels and reclaimed lagoonal and swampy areas.  Archaeological traces include buried infrastructures, such as roads and land divisions called ‘centuriations’, as well as remains of rural settlements and villas.

Beja district (Tunisia)

The area is part of the governorate of Beja, in the northwest of Tunisia. It includes the Roman cities of Vaga (Beja), Belalis Major, and many settlements and rural centres, spanning from the 4th century AD to the Late Antiquity (8th century AD). Traces of buried infrastructures are visible on satellite imagery (roads and centuriations), together with late Roman fortresses, churches and other archaeological structures. Illicit excavation activities (looting) are also detectable in major archaeological sites. 

Luxor and Aswan

This is one of the richer archaeological areas of Southern Egypt, acting as an interface between the Nile Valley and the Western and Eastern deserts. It is the setting of a large number of necropolises, temples and sites in desert terrain. In this case study, PERSEO is going to assess the use of spectral signatures to classify archaeological structures at the pixel level.

Tells in Iraq

Systematic mapping of archaeological settlement mounds (tells) offers valuable insights into the emergence, development, and organisation of early complex human societies. In PERSEO we aim at developing ML automated detection methods to improve the identification of tells using optical hyperspectral images. In addition, we aim to exploit spectral properties to differentiate artificial topographically elevated areas from natural elevations. This mapping serves as a preservation against looting activities and other damages to cultural heritage sites.