[NEWS] 1 PhD Scholarship - STBNM 2022 Metalli (details)

Science and protective coatings for Ancient Metals


The Center for Cultural Heritage Technology is funding one scholarship linked to a Ph.D. positions available at the PhD Program in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

The scholarship is dedicated to the study of innovative conservation methods for metal objects of archaeological origin, based on sustainable and green chemical formulations.

The doctoral student will support the research already underway at the Center for Cultural Heritage Technology, initially dealing with understanding the degradation mechanisms involved and defining the main types of degradation on archaeological artefacts in bronze alloys from the Roman era, based on the characterization results obtained. The candidate will then mainly deal with formulating and developing suitable conservation methods through innovative/modern approaches, including the use of bio-derived organisms with a stabilizing and/or passivating action. The properties of the treatments tested on replica materials will be evaluated for application for conservation purposes on real archaeological materials.

The research will be undertaken within CCHT facilities, in strict collaboration with CCHT experts in Cultural Heritage, Conservation Science and Materials Science and under the supervision of University of Venice researchers. The fellowship includes stipend, travel allowance for conferences and training, and secondments in other universities and research centers abroad.


Applicants are required to contact the CCHT in advance to define the specific topic of research.

The official call is available at this link: PHD degree | how to apply (English version) Dottorati di Ricerca | Come partecipare (Italian version).

Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions: ccht@iit.it

Deadline for application: 2nd May 2022